TTC - negative pregnancy tests

Just wondering if anyone has been pregnant but got negative tests? We are ttc and my period was due a week ago. Usually in the run up to a period I get really sore boobs but that never happened this time. I've had no bleeding at all, but have had bouts of nausea, backache, some cramps and a headache over the last few days. I just feel different to what I would normally. I've taken a few early detection pregnancy tests over the week and they've all come back negative but still no period. With my first child - I got a faint line the day my period was due and the symptoms with him was some nausea and dizziness just before that. Really not sure what's going on. Has anyone experienced negative results and still been pregnant?
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I had exactly same as you last cycle but got my period 8 days late I think it was. Sometimes I think it's psychological or body gearing up!

Thanks lovely, good to know it's not just me. Still no period but the sore boobs have kicked in today. Who knows 🤷🏻‍♀️ I'll test again in a couple of days if it doesn't make an appearance x

Yes with my second baby I was adamant I was pregnant and kept getting negative tests, but all the symptoms! Then suddenly they started being positive but I'd say not until around 6 weeks pregnant! I still don't understand why this happened, it was so confusing x

Thanks Sophie. How strange! I'm glad it all worked out tho 😊 I do think I could be as the symptons are there this month and I just feel different but will just have to be patient and see if a positive comes x

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