I was on the mini pill after I had my daughter due to breastfeeding and everything fine had no problems. I came off it to have my son and went back on it after again due to breastfeeding. I'm still on it 19 months later and again haven't had any issues at all
I was on the mini pill for about a year before having my son (can't have combined pill due to migraines). I had no issues to with it that I remember but may have had some in the first month or two as I adjusted to it. Went back on it after my son was born and bad constant heavy bleeding and headaches for months, so they took me off it again.
i was on the mini pill straight after having my child i was on it around 5 months and every month id be spotting and getting 2 periods per months, i was sad a lot and mental health just wasn’t good ive now been off it 2 months and feel great x
I was on it for years. No issues and no periods, which was great! I'll go back on it when I speak to the doctor about contraception.
I was on the mini pill many moons ago pre kids. I hated it! My mood hugely suffered, I bled constantly, and I had headaches, bloating and nausea. Within a week of coming off it all symptoms subsided! I’ve not been on hormonal contraceptives since because I just hated the way it made me. It also took 2 months for my periods to go back to normal!