D negative Blood type

Heyy, i received a letter today saying my blood type is D-negative which is concerning because if the baby is D-positive then my body can send antibodies to attack the baby’s blood. anyone else had this?
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Rhesus negative is fairly common. In my area they test the baby's blood to see if they're positive. If they're not, there's no additional risk. If they are, then you have an anti-D injection in pregnancy and after birth. There is no/very little risk to current baby, it's any future babies you may have that may also be positive that would be at risk. There's lots of information on the NHS website about rhesus negative in pregnancy

I’m rhesus negative, it’s pretty common. Both my sons are + Have your anti d injections when you need to and all will be totally fine. It’s only dangerous to baby if you don’t have your injections and your blood mixes (sensitisation events or during labour) and you’ll make antibodies, it will also potentially impact pregnancies in the future as your body has made those antibodies which would be harmful to another positive fetus.

What everyone else said. I won't repeat what they've said re having the anti d injection. However, I am O- (rhesus negative) and my hospital have started testing the baby's blood to find out of they are also rhesus negative. I had this blood test at 12 weeks alongside all of the standard blood tests. Luckily my results came back that my unborn baby is also rhesus negative like me, meaning I don't need the anti d injection and there is no risk of my antibodies attacking baby's blood. It is a very new thing and not all hospitals are doing this yet, but it's worth finding out if your hospital does it! Either way, it will be managed well by the injection other people have explained above and you will be well looked after. And if you feel the need to, keep reminding midwife's through the process that you are rhesus negative and nothing will go under the radar. My midwife's have put massive stamps and stickers throughout my hospital notes so noone can miss it haha.

I'm rhesus negative and my baby was a + blood group. I was just invited for an injection at some point in the pregnancy. Had no other problems and my LG is almost 22 months x

you and baby will be fine don’t worry. you get an anti D injection at 28 weeks and after the baby is born which stops you from contaminating each others blood. it’s nothing to be worried about, and this is coming from the most overly worried and paranoid mum in the world lol! also, if you have a fall or experience any slight bleeding down there let them know as they will give you a bonus anti d to be on the safe side x

I’m B- and my baby is rhesus negative too so luckily I do not need anti d injection but honestly I was worried about all this at the beginning but it’s all fine ❤️

@Charley oh that’s such a relief thank you, I will research more for sure x

@Chloe oh okay, makes sense now. I will definelty get those injections. Thank you x

@Hannah you had a great attentive midwife, hopefully mine is like that🙈 Thank you, that’s very reassuring x

@Savannah 😭Thank you, I was worried sick when I got that letter. Will definetly get the injections

@Didi that’s good, i’m sure all will be well. thanks hun x

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