Planned sections at RPH experiences

Hi, has anyone had an elective section at RPH who can give me some info please? This will be my 2nd section, 1st one was due to an emergency and also in the height of lockdown so I assume it won't be the same. How many days prior to your due date do they tend you book you in for the section, and is it a minimum of 1 night stay? My partner will be unlikely to stay overnight as he'll have our little boy which should be fine providing they do my section in the morning or early afternoon, I don't imagine they'd be doing planned sections in the evenings anyway? Any other tips or advice welcome. My 35 week birth planning app isn't for another 3 weeks so I'm keen to start understanding what the process will look like.
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I just had my second c section 2 weeks ago. First was also an emergency. It was supposed to be 3 weeks ago but they cancelled it due to being busy and I wasn’t a priority due to no other medical issues. I got the original date 5 weeks before the c section. I only had to stay 1 night as no complications. You don’t find out when they’ll be doing the c section until the morning of, they’ll come in and tell you where on the list you are but there’s no guarantee for time due to emergencies coming in etc. I had a consultant appointment just before 34 weeks when I signed consent forms and got my date shortly after that. If there’s any specific questions you have feel free to message me☺️

I had mine a few months ago. I found out my date about a week before. You go in for 7.30 and get booked in. We were non urgent so we’re taken to our room to wait. The docs decided on the order of the electives and we were last. Two emergencies got rushed through so our time got pushed back. We ended up having him at 1.30pm you can’t eat before so you get a little hungry but deffo manageable. We got taken to the ward after 30 mins. My ward had another 4 women on it. My hubby didn’t stay either. The nurses helped if I was struggling. I was numb for a few hours and was up and moving after that. They ask you to get up when you’re able and have a shower. My hubby helped with this before he went home. We stayed for one night and were home by 5pm the next day. Everything was smooth and the staff were lovely. I would take some from of entertainment while you wait for your c sec. If you take your phone with you to the surgery and ask one of the nurses will take pictures for you. Good luck

Thanks @Sarah thats super helpful and reassuring! X

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