Overseas flight toddler and 4 MO old baby

Hi, has anyone done it? I will be travelling by myself to Europe with my June baby 2022 and my may baby 2024. My husband won't be going. There will be 2 different flights. Thinking of my 4 MO in a wrap the entire time? And I will bring a tiny stroller for my toddler since we will have 6 hr layover. Has anyone done it? Any tips? I am excited but also terrified in the same time.
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I have traveled with my 3 year old and 4 month old and I can say ITS NOT EASY ! Just prepare yourself. Bring lots of activities for your toddler.. earmuffs for baby especially during take off and landing and try to have baby sucking on something.. like a paci or bottle, also with sippy cups and bottles leave them open (not covered by bottle cover) or if a sipple cup has a straw don’t close it because once you are in the air and you attempt to open it .. it will over flow and spray out ( I learned the hard way) Over all WE MADE IT, but it’s difficult, ensure all baby items like baby food and formula etc is is in a separate bag such as a zip lock so that it’s easy to take out to be checked going through TSA so they aren’t tearing up your diaper bag looking for stuff.. but once you get there take a deep breath and know you will make it

@SaMiaya thank you! Did you carry your baby in a baby carrier the entire time?

No I had a stroller that her car seat attached to and we check it at the gate .. once we got off the plane they brought it for us

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