Advice about family visiting in hospital

I'm looking for advice about mine and my partner's family visiting us when we've had our daughter in hospital. I really want my parents to be first in after I have given birth and my partners family seem very against this and offended that they wouldn't be first in to meet her. Being a first time mum I would feel more comfortable having my parents there after I give birth but also I don't want any arguments to occurs with my partners family. Any advice on what other have/would done in this situation would be much appreciated :) just not sure how to tackle this in a way that won't cause arguments
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You’re the one giving birth, ultimately your decision in my view. You have to be comfortable and selfish at times. Birth is an experience you will forever look back on, do what makes you feel most comfortable and don’t be pressured by others. You’ve got this!

You are the daughter and you’re the one having a baby. If it was me I’d want my parents first.

It might cause arguments no matter what you do. It’s your birth - it makes sense you want your family to be first. Your partner needs to tell his family, you don’t need that stress right now. You can also let the nursing staff know who not to let in right away in case MIL tries to turn up early unannounced

Sorry not sorry, it doesn’t really matter what your partners family wants. Like it does but it doesn’t. You’re the one giving birth it’s your call. They should be happy to be invited in the first place. My mom and my aunt were the first to meet our baby boy. First to get called and everything. They were the point of contact for the rest of my family, my husband texted them and one person on his side for updates. After the left and we rested was when my mother in law and sister in law get to come… It’s not a race of who gets to see the baby first, whose side is more special, who’s whatever… You’re starting or adding to your family. Your baby is tiny and new and scared. They should want to be there to experience that moment with you bc they care not give you grief bc they want to be first. That’s selfish and that’s a no from me :(:

like the ladies said above, i just want to reassure you too that you must stand your own ground no matter how uncomfortable it may be, otherwise people like your in laws will find more comfortability in trampling over your wishes and how you want to do things with your baby. it makes complete sense that you want your parents in first, it’s lovely that you’re even considering inviting anyone to the hospital, that’s a no go from me! do what you what you feel is natural to you! ❤️

Your parents are there for you and the baby, and of course you are your parent’s little daughter. The in-laws sound like they are there for the baby more than you if they got that easily offended. I would want to see my parents first as they raised me and looked after me when I was sick, and naturally you have a stronger emotional connection with your parents than your in-laws. My in-laws made my pregnancy about them and disregard what would make me feel comfortable so I avoided them for the rest of the pregnancy (giving my my current perinatal anxiety/depression/stress). I keep minimal contact with them and they won’t visit me in hospital, told my husband this and I will tell the nurses too. I’ll call my mum once I’m able to do so after the c-section but his parents will know the news first before my family as my husband will be texting them the details because they are intrusive and have to know every single detail and daily messaging.

You're the most important person here. You're giving birth and your preferences are what matter! Your in laws should have enough respect for you to allow you to decide and not make you feel any way about it. Stand your ground and do what feels right for you x

Honestly as everyone else has said, the only person that matters in this situation is yourself. You're the one going through labour and bringing a beautiful lil human into the world so you call the shots, if someone decides to be offended then that's on them not you! Don't feel guilty for putting yourself and your wants first, I'd be the same as you and want my family in first. This time around for my 2nd baby I ain't even letting anyone visit us at the hospital, if they don't like that then tough cookies 😂 also if they decide to argue about it then again that's on them, let them be stupid and petty you're just doing what's best for you so don't feel bad about it 🥰

I won't even tell anyone I'm in labour. Easy as that. I feel much better in a scenario to announce birth after it happens and we will have visitors earliest 4 weeks after baby comes 🥰🥰🙌🏼 No exceptions!

This is the one thing I was actually glad of when I had my first during covid restrictions. Only the dad was allowed and it saved all the drama! 😅 Ultimately, as others have said, it's your decision. I imagine they won't allow all in at once so someone is going to have to wait x

Remember you don’t have to tell anyone when you go to hospital/into labour - you can choose to keep a little bubble of love with your partner & your baby for as long as you want 🥰 Also remember you could potentially be sent home the same day you give birth, so you might not even have time for hospital visitors 😅

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