Baby is 8 months old, and I want to end my marriage

Been married for 8 years and finally had our rainbow baby. However, since I’ve given birth my husbands whole demeanor towards me bas changed. He’s extremely demanding, controlling and makes me have anxiety attacks and says my problems are nowhere close to his. I’m genuinely starting to hate him. I’ve expressed my feelings and needs to him, but he takes it as criticism and starts huge fights. Recently, he said he wanted to kill himself, grabbed a bunch of knives from the kitchen and locked himself in a room. I don’t want my daughter to see this type of behavior especially as she’s growing. I’m not sure if it’s PPD but I genuinely loathe him and want out of the marriage. We did have issues before I got pregnant, but never this bad. I don’t want to be shamed or pitied but I know I’ll be happier and less stressed without him in my life. Has anyone gone through a separation when baby is this young? I need some consolation that this is okay and better for my baby (and my own mental health).
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Oh gosh I’m so sorry you are going through this! I’m wondering if your husband is experiencing some kind of mental health issue as well. I read somewhere that men can get it too (like postpartum anxiety and OCD which it sounds like he might be having with the intrusive thoughts). I would see if you both can speak to a therapist if possible.

I would also speak to a lawyer. You can have free consults and get a few opinions on your situation!

May be if you both can go through some therapy ASAP before filing a divorce I personally think that it would not be fair to you and the baby. I hope things get better for you all xx

I separated from my spouse when my son just turned 9 mo old and we just divorced now thay hes over 2. There weren't mental health issues or anything of that nature and I wasn't prepared (they found someone else). I was a stay at home, lived with family temporarily and eventually got a job, a house and daycare etc. It was a lot of work especially being young but we are capable of so much. Happiness and health are the most important for children and adults and I'm embracing being a single parent. After having been through so much, I am much happier and so is my son. Most therapists working with people from divorce often wish parents would have separated sooner. I'm my opinion as well, no child should constantly see unhappiness or unhealthy behavior. You can always try to work it out, but in the end, taking care of yourself and your child is most important. Mine was also a rainbow baby and we had issues earlier in our marriage too.

Me and baby’s dad split in June when baby was 9.5 months old. It wasn’t like your situation, I’d just fallen out of love with him but if you’re not happy in your marriage then you need to do what’s right for you. As you said, your baby shouldn’t be around that kind of environment as even at a young age they pick up on stress and tension

I didn't split, and I regret it to this day. I waited until she was 3 years old. Biggest waste of my life. With his behavior and your unhappiness, I say leave.

This does sound like PPD. I would talk to a doctor ASAP about getting him help but with behaviour like that, you want to get your child away for safety purposes, even if it's temporary. I think it's worth having him reach out to see if it is PPD, helping him get it under control (he needs to be on board), and then seeing if that makes a difference and, if it does, giving him a second chance. However in the meantime you need to keep your child safe. Just wanted to put it out there because while it seems instinctive to blame him, PPD is very real and can affect dads just as much as moms. He may be suffering, but he needs to admit it, reach out, and get help if he is.

Follow your heart and you have to look for you and your baby. Sometimes is more traumatic to be with a person like that then a single mom. Trust me.

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