High HCG levels

So I went to the ER and they did a vaginal ultrasound said the baby wasn't far enough along to have a heartbeat they then did blood work to check my HCG levels when it came back it was 10,136 is this normal for not being far enough along for a heartbeat to be detected with an HCG level as high as that. I also put the ultrasound Pic attached to this I feel like I see 2 tiny circles one just slightly lighter then the other one. I googled it & it says possible twins?
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Wanted to add Ive been having dizzy spells quite a bit to.

The ER near me (they’re incompetent) said they won’t do an ultrasound for bleeding, as I was having bleeding hence why I went in, unless you’re numbers are 35,000 or higher. They did the ultrasound and seen a fetal pole, but no heartbeat. Went in a week later and seen the heartbeat. A week later I heard it. Turns out I was 5 weeks when I went to the ER. Oops.

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