@Sophie oh wow! It’s amazing now every baby is different 😂 want them to stop growing up soo quick 😂🥹
I know it’s crazy! She’s got 9 teeth already! There like little razor blades 🥴 x
9 teeth! How are you alive @Sophie ? My LO has 2 bottom teeth and she’s become biter Gonzales 😭😭 they’re so DANG SHARP AND PAINFUL
My son got his first teeth on the bottom I was surprised too and then two months later 4 top teeth came in. 6 teeth and still refusing solids 😭 wish me luck xoxo
My LB has 8 teeth, his 3 bottom teeth came before his top two xx
@Sophie which teeth has little one got? My girl has the 4 top and bottom in a row but wondering what's next 🤣
@Amal hanging by a thread 🤣
@Emma-louise she’s got two bottom, and the rest is on the top! She’s got two back teeth coming 🙈
@Sophie oh wow we have 4 top 4 bottom and she's started to blow raspberries again which she only does when teething but she doesn't like me looking so I don't know what ones next
My daughters getting her back teeth in they aren’t supposed to come in yet🙈