Yes I got this one and cheap and good
Balance bike
It is better for them to use a balance bike to learn the basics first then move onto a pedal bike and skip the stabilisers. We got our son a balance bike for his second birthday and he is really good on it and loves using it. If you get the right size for their height and its height adjustable it should last until they are able to use a pedal bike.
Balance bike! My little one had his for Christmas last year and he is basically pro now. I am not even planning on getting him a bike with stabilisers. Wish those balance bikes were around for when I was little 😃
@Brittany ahh I wish I’d got her one sooner now!
My little boy has been on a balance bike since 1 and a half. The one we currently have is from Decathlon. We tried a normal bike with stabilisers over the summer because we were with family and he could not quite get the pedal action. But he is a wiz on his balance bike. He will even do small ramps at skate parks
My little boy has a balance bike