Sometimes it takes a little time to adjust. Talk to the nursery about it, how many settling in sessions did they get? I am in the process of moving my little boy and although he is adjusting fine, the first nursery offered two sessions and the new one has offered 6. Do you need to think about breaking it down a little? It doesn’t sound like he’s there all day already, so many not work for the cover you need. Also had he slept at nursery yet? Do they let you take a blanket it (old one didn’t, new one does) It really does take some time and but trust your gut. Good luck and hope today is better.
Thank you very much ladies. I have spoken to nursery director and we are extending settling in period. My boy will start going in for 2 hours only for few weeks and then gradually increase.
No problem. Hope it works out for you :)
If he continues I would just pull him out and start when he is over 3 if you can. Babies need their primary caregivers as much as possible under 3 years of age so he may be finding it all a bit traumatic x
It took my daughter 3 months to adjust to nursery at 2 years. I know it is hard now but it will get better. If you don’t have to put your son in now then you should wait until he is 3 unless you have to.