Very possible it would pick up something, but not guaranteed. On your birthday it most likely would be a definite answer. If you can, wait for your period.
We are in the same boat. My ovulation date is also 19th. And I am scared to use early pregnancy tests 😅
@Ish to help you out no positives yet! But it’s ten dpo so we should start hiking up our oh levels in the next couple days
@Lizzie Yes, all the best to us🤞🏻🤞🏻 Do let me know what your results are :) I will do the same. I also got blood test on 10/3 so that will confirm
It’s very possible it would pick up some hcg but it’s not 100% certain. I would test when you miss your period to avoid any unnecessary stress. Especially with your birthday coming up I don’t want you to be be stressing🥰