This happened to me last Friday and it was indeed my waters (followed by period-like pains that then became contractions). Best to check as it does make a difference for the safety of the delivery! Best of luck for you and your baby 🤞🏼
@Lucy ive been to the hospital and she said it was just discharge but babys really low so she might just be pushing x
@Chiara thank you! I have had period like cramps as well but went to the hospital about an hour ago and she told me it was just discharge and baby being so low is pushing on my bladder x
All good then! Enjoy these last weeks of pregnancy 💖
@Chiara thank you, definitely soaking up the quietness before she comes! 🫶🏼
I would get it checked, I had constant wet pants ( sorry tmi lol) for 2 weeks I got it checked the day it started and was told was discharge but it turned out to be my waters the whole time and i believe once they go there’s a risk of infection so defo get it checked !