I gave birth in Jan and they did allow your partner to stay in the ward the night you have the baby. They don’t have a bed or anything though! I had a c-section, not sure if that’s any help x
I gave birth in July and my husband was allowed to stay the night
Yes they do but they don't provide anything at all, just a really uncomfortable chair. So make sure you're prepared, take some food, blankets etc.... My husband had to go back home and brought a yoga mat to sleep on as his back was in pieces 🌸
The chairs in the wards for the partner actually recline. But no one tells you that!! My husband figured it out 4 days into our stay, not long before we were discharged 😅
@Natalie omg, so happy you posted this haha.
I gave birth a few weeks ago and they allow partners with you at all times!💖
I gave birth in July and we stayed in the ABC so me and my partner had a bed. I think it all depends on space if you can do this though
Thank you everyone that replied! Did you shared the room with many other mums and little ones?
There are 4 beds in each bay x
Yeah 4 beds, mine only had 3 women including me there at the time I gave birth.
I gave birth at the end of Feb and it was when they just introduced this. My husband was allowed to stay overnight