3 year olds energy
This week we’ve all been dealing with cold. My 3 year old got better after the first few days. I’ve noticed that if my 3 year old does not out everyday, he has so many tantrums and spends the whole day winding me up or being defiant. He goes nursery 3 days, then I take him out another 2 days, so he spends only 2 days at home. Is this normal for him to have this much energy ? This week I wasn’t feeling well but had to get out of the house because it got too much for us. He also was going to sleep at 10/11 pm when he usually sleeps 7 latest 8 pm. It would be nice to chill for more than a few days at home and with the weather getting worse I’m worried about how to entertain him at home. Any suggestions?
Is this my child, how am I facing the same situation? Word for word. I told my husband today we need to move around over finances cause he needs another day at nursery. Sorry can't help, following for suggestion too.