Do whatever you feel comfortable with. I was offered a sweep at 40+2. I didn't read too much into it and just went with it. I was 1cm dilated when I had my sweep. It wasn't painful, just uncomfortable. I went into labour 7 hours later (after cramps in the morning), and little man was delivered 2 1/2 hours later x
I had a sweep with both pregnancies. For me they weren’t painful just a bit uncomfortable (like a Pap smear?). My first I was 3cm dilated but was induced next day at 40wks. My second was similar to you, going to be induced by the Friday, had my app/cervical check and was 4cm so I was offered a sweep - he was born a few hrs later on the same day.
i lost my mucus plug right after my membrane sweep and went into early labor that night, by 7am the next morning I was in the hospital and had my son by 9am the next day. I don’t want to tell you the same will happen to you bc everyone is different, but that definitely worked for me! The sweep itself? Doesn’t hurt exactly, just uncomfortable but if ur doctor is good it’ll be done before u can process it. I’d 100% ask for it.
I had 2 sweeps with my first before induction, didn’t trigger labor but my induction went well and I started at 3cm so perhaps it helped. I had a sweep with my second and had a great quick natural labor 36 hours later
You can try before your induction, it's not likely to work. Research (in the UK) shows 8 women would need a sweep before 1 went into labour.