Would you go???

A the nature museum by us is having a free day Sunday and my fiancé and I planned to go with our daughter. I looked more into it and it turns out it is a LGBTQ+ event with Drag Queens presenting and reading children’s books. Both me and my fiancé are kind of torn. We don’t have an issue with LGBTQ+ pride but I’m not sure if I feel drag queens are appropriate for children. I feel that maybe my child’s just too young and when she’s older I won’t mind. Are we overthinking it?
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I’d just go and enjoy the rest of the museum. It’s just a fringe event surely? As in the rest of the nature museum is open to the public?

How old is your daughter? I get the impression she’s young and probably won’t even notice. You don’t have to stay and listen to the story time.

Drag isn’t inherently sexual

A young child probably won’t think anything of it. You could explain it that sometimes people like to dress fancy and they might see people dressed up. Or even connect it to a costume since your child may be familiar with that as well. We have to remember little kids don’t have the same background knowledge and context we have for a lot of things. They will just notice people who are wearing clothing that looks different from regular day to day clothes.

Yeah I wouldn’t go but that’s me

In my opinion, I feel like you wouldn’t take your child to a strip club sooo maybe plan something else? Unless there’s a way to avoid them. I’m sure there’s a bunch of other free things to do this month that’s kid friendly :)

But why do the drag queens have to read books to the children? I don’t get the correlation between a pride event and children in a nature museum

I’d maybe do the Museum if that’s still free but not to the reading i definitely don’t think that’s appropriate at all for children

It could be they’re doing it for October because of Halloween. Since drag is a form of entertainment. They’re essentially just wearing costumes. It’s not gonna be sexual if they’re reading kids books

Woah the comments are so disappointing. What exactly are you worried about? Drag queens aren’t dangerous. If anything I would take my children specifically to the reading. Shouldn’t we be showing our children that they can be whoever they want to be? They can’t learn that early enough. All these comments are why children grow up with internalised misogyny and homophobia.

Plenty of people take their children to panto… there’s men in dresses in that.

@Monica they’re not going to be removing their clothes…what a strange comparison. Of course no one would take their child to a strip club.

You’re not overthinking it! You’re just being parents! Trust your gut on what feels right for your family. Maybe you could look for other events at the museum that fit your comfort level better.

That sounds wonderful!! I would be MORE inclined to take my children!! Kids love dress ups, and stories, it's a win win.

@Charlotte my comment was confusion as to why a pride event is happening at a nature museum and the drag queens randomly reading books to children. It wasn’t homophobic or misogynistic. It’s just strange to hold a pride event there because babies and young children have no interest or knowledge of that or what the event is for. So I don’t know what you mean but “All comments” not everyone has to agree with everything. We can disagree with something and not have any malice towards the people involved.

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@Monica the drag queens won't be stripping and kids won't associate drag queens with places like strip clubs so this event is still kid friendly

@Charlotte beautiful answer

@Angel it's not a pride event though? it's just entertainment

@Sarah it’s fine, if OP doesn’t feel comfortable about going… there are other options. Every parent has the right to decide what’s appropriate for their child based on their values, beliefs, and what they think is best for their kid’s well being. It’s all about making choices that they believe will help their child grow up healthy and happy. Each family is different, so what works for one might not work for another. At the end of the day, it’s all about doing what feels right for their child!

@Angel I wasn't disputing that fact. I was disputing the statement you made about it being a pride event just because it involves drag queens

@Sarah I think you may wanted to tag the other Angel. It wasn’t me.

Drag queens are a sexual group. That's literally the point. I would never bring my child into a sexualized situation under any circumstances.

@Angel sorry girl you're right!

@Monica drag queens aren't stripping. Wtf?

@Kyra you're literally wrong

@Sarah I said it’s a pride event because incognito said “We don’t have an issue with LGBTQ+ pride” so I assumed it’s a pride event. Can’t even make honest mistakes without being accused of homophobia. Ridiculous. I just don’t think drag queens and pride events correlate with a nature museum…..

@Angel i wasn't accusing you of a damn thing 😂 I was just saying that it's not a pride event. don't get so defensive that you start reading stuff that isn't there

@Sarah actually I got confused who I was referring to. I thought you were Charlotte who implied “all” the comments were homophobic and misogynistic whereas I was coming from a place of confusion as to why an event like that is happening at a nature museum. So I’m not reading into anything just replied to the wrong person as you did above 🙄

To the kids it’ll just look like people dressed up in costumes w a lot of makeup and if they don’t like that in and of itself (coz some kids don’t like Santa, clowns, Easter Bunny etc) then don’t take ‘em if you think they’re going to be scared and cry but on the other hand, if they love that stuff, seeing people dressed up then I’ll take ‘em. We went to PAX last weekend and although it wasn’t LGBTQ per sé there were LOTS of people dressed up in Cosplay (some very skimpy) and my son had a hell of a great time. He took a photo w Sonic and B1 and B2 😂 Or just go for the museum and not the reading. Up to you. I would. It’s Halloween month. So there’s dress up events held everywhere you look.

@Jenny what the fuck? if you're not comparing drag queens to devil worshippers then why even bring them up??

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@Angel If you read my comment I didn’t actually say ‘all’ comments. Sorry to tell you but the fact you are confused about why an ‘event like this’ as you called it would need to be held at a museum is internalised homophobia and misogyny, because why should it not be held there? You’re suggesting that LGBTQ+/pride events/drag queens should only exist in a certain space? They are a community who can and should exist everywhere and wherever they like. And the point of my comment was to say that we should be exposing our children to all communities, because they need to see all types of people to know it’s ok whoever they want to be. And anyway, the children wouldn’t even blink an eye at drag queens because misogyny and homophobia is taught, and it’s taught by never being exposed to it (and therefore being exposed later and thinking it’s weird/not ok) and/or being told it is wrong. And so many of these comments saying it’s wrong is just not it.

@Jenny what a bizarre thing to say. Tell me then, what are drag queens ‘about’

@Charlotte people like you are so annoying. We’re meant to agree with every damn thing. You said in your comment “all these comments are why children grow up with internalised misogyny and homophobia “ now you’re saying you didn’t say “all” comments. Proof read your own words please. And the fact that I’m confused at these events taking place at a nature museum is “homophobic” but it’s the same way I’d be confused if they held a adult comedy show with comedians reading books to kids at a nature museum…a nature museum…it doesn’t make sense or correlate. You should rest and take a day off. It’s irritating to have people like you come on here and we can’t even voice our opinions. Take your homophobic accusations and misogyny somewhere else. There’s loads of places on the internet where you can accuse people who are actually guilty of it.

@Charlotte AND the fact that the “children wouldn’t even blink an eye at drag queens” is also my point…they don’t know what they are and have no clue what is going on it’s not for the kids so why do that event there when the kids don’t have a clue? It just doesn’t make sense to me! Kids would prefer to be read books by someone dressed as Elmo or something! I don’t have to be homophobic to not get why they chose the event to take place there and I never said should not be held there I said why is it held there??? Out of all places that’s where they choose it’s just an odd choice TO ME . I hope that’s allowed…to have an opinion! If people can hold events anywhere they want then surely you can allow me to have an OPINION?

@Angel damn. My original comment wasn’t even specifically about what you said, YOU’VE made this about you. So you can voice your opinions and I can’t voice mine? 🤔 You keep saying you’re confused about why they are reading books at a museum, and all I’m saying is it’s for representation. To show children that you can be whoever you want. If they don’t see it, they don’t know it’s ok. That’s literally it. But the fact you keep going on about it probably does mean you don’t think they should be there 🤷🏼‍♀️ otherwise why are you so mad lol

@Charlotte now your original comment wasn’t “specifically” about me but you said “all comments” and my comment was above yours so…and then in your previous comment you said I have internalised homophobia and misogyny and I can’t be mad at being accused of something that I don’t have??? My child wants to be a dinosaur , them showing representation to young children is not going to do anything at all because children don’t get it. Since its a nature museum then it makes sense to hold events about nature that’s just my opinion and I never said I don’t think they shouldn’t be there I said It doesn’t make sense for them to hold an event there to me same way it wouldn’t make sense to me to have comedians there or rappers or something random like that at a nature museum. Stop trying to pin homophobia on me thats what I’m mad about.

@Charlotte you’ve voice your opinion and no one labeled you for it. You’ve labeled other people homophobic for their opinions. That’s the difference. Let me have my opinion without labelling me something when you don’t know me and don’t even have a real reason to call me that

@Angel You should do some research into child development then, because saying that it’s not going to make a difference isn’t true. Children learn every day through what they see, what we do and what we say. If they only ever see one kind of person, that’s what they’ll grow up thinking is ‘normal’ and anything that doesn’t fit in that box is ‘not normal’ which is where homophobia and misogyny, intentional or not, comes from. Also, if you’re saying they won’t get it then what’s the problem with them being there reading stories 😂 because they won’t get it, so why does it matter. Are you under the impression that celebrities/singers/rappers/comedians have never gone to an event involving children, even if that event wasn’t directly in line with what they ‘usually’ do? Because they have. But I’m sure that’s fine for them to do right, because they’re not drag queens lol

@Charlotte you’re really gripping onto this to try and make me seem homophobic and it’s very offensive. I told you I’m not. It’s ok for me to disagree with the place where they are holding the event. I can have that opinion and not have any internalised homophobia. Can you stop it’s disgusting. You’ve got a serious issues. You don’t know me I already explained to you that I don’t understand why they’re holding an event at a nature museum! Usually nature museums are about I don’t know maybe…nature?!?!?!?! My kids does not get it and won’t get it, they’ll just think their women with heavy makeup. You even said yourself they won’t blink an eyelid, the reason they won’t is because they won’t get it and what it’s about at all they’re just kids

@Charlotte and yes comedians, celebrities and singers/ rappers do go to events involving kids but it’s not usually a nature museum about nature??? What don’t you actually get about that? You can disagree with my point but why are you seriously trying to find any little pointer to try and pin homophobia on me? It’s very strange and stop putting words in my mouth to try and pin your crazy assumptions on me.

@Charlotte and the fact that you said “but I’m sure that’s fine for them to do it right, because they’re not drag queens” when I literally said to you in a previous comment it’s the same way It wouldnt make sense to me if comedians and rappers held an event there? You’re literally the worst type of person. You know full well what I am saying but want to push your fake narrative so bad that you’re making stuff up to paint me a certain way so you can feel like a defender of the defenceless on a mums app. Get a life

This sounds like fun, what city? I’d love to go to something like this…if anyone knows of anything similar in Dallas let me know. My daughter would love it!

@Angel I don’t think @Charlotte was specifically calling you homophobic in her first reply. My comment was before hers too and I didn’t say anything homophobic

@Victoria she said all comments. If she didn’t call me homophobic why did she go on to say I have internalised homophobia and misogyny. Then go on the try to pin fake narratives on me. It’s offensive and also I don’t want to start up this argument again so can we just leave it as yesterdays news since it was literally yesterday

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