“Lightening doesn’t strike twice” like that makes my grief and anxiety go away! All I can say is be kind to yourself. It’s okay not to be bursting with joy as you’re still grieving a loss. It’s a funny kind of grief grieving a child you never met, people who haven’t lost babies can’t begin to understand. You’re grieving the loss of your baby but also the loss of a life you had planned that never happened. It’s okay to be sad, it’s also okay to be happy, any emotion you feel is absolutely valid! You’re a powerful women, strong beyond belief. Be kind and be patient with yourself. Remember how amazing you are ❤️
I could have written this myself. Feel free to reach out if you want to talk I’m hitting 20 weeks next week and have been a ball of emotions. It’s ok to feel all the emotions. Give yourself grace. I know it’s so so hard not to feel guilty but what you are feeling is 100% normal for loss moms.
It’s so tough the pregnancy after loss. No one prepares you for the anxiety. I was terrible my entire pregnancy. The son I lost had a severe heart defect and all I could think was this is going to happen again, every scan, every appointment I was preparing myself for disappointment and devastation. Every pregnancy announcement, every baby born just caused so much sadness and resentment for me which I hated admitting. One of my work colleagues was due just a few weeks after I was supposed to have my son. She had a healthy happy pregnancy. I fell pregnant again quickly and similar to you I was around 20 weeks at my due date she had her baby and I was pregnant and filled with anxiety. My second pregnancy was fine, he was born early and I had a few complications but all in all it was totally fine, but it was ruined by my anxiety, I felt so much guilt and same I felt I should be happy because at least I’m pregnant again. People told me “at least it happened quickly” and