toddler speech delay

hi ladies! so I had an 18 month check up for my son today, and the maternal nurses think he may have a speech delay and referred me to speech pathology. I thought he was still in the early stages of talking? he's not really saying any words, more just speaking his own language, can obey some basic commands, and everything else was tracking well. Did anyone else have a similar situation? should I be worried? thanks!
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I was a bit worried about my little boy. He said the basics, mama, dada, yes, no etc. He did understand everything we were saying though. But come his 2nd birthday there was a massive change and his talking is amazing now. Hope everything works out and try not to worry. If there is a delay and they've referred you then it's great you'll all be getting the support you/he needs x

Not a boy mum but it's popped up on my feed 😅 My daughter is 2 and says around 30-40 solid words now but understands when we tell or ask her to do something. At 18 months it was still mostly babble and I was told to come back when she was 2 if there was no improvement in her speech x

See I was told that 18 months was way too earlier to consider it a delay. My son said his first word at 19 months and at 16 months I said to the health visitor I thought there was a speech delay and was told absolutely not it is not a delay until closer to 20 months x

So I went at 17 months and my doctor agreed my son was delayed and had speech delay but my son had other issues as well so this might be a reason why they were saying this sooner. As your saying he understands basic commands/words and all other milestones are good he's probably just more focused on learning other things at the moment and speech will come soon enough don't worry

My 2 year old is exactly the same, his nursery isn’t concerned just said it takes some a little longer than others, i have a few friends who’s little ones got to 3 before they were speaking xx

It’s late here in the US, no idea why I’m awake so I’m just gonna brain dump some info. Let me know oof you have any questions. Don’t be worried, speech delays are not uncommon. Clinically, there are very detailed milestones that children should be reaching by certain age ranges and it’s broken up into 5 main categories: cognition, communication (receptive and expressive types), motor (fine and gross types), adaptive behavior, and social-emotional. These also help determine any diagnoses down the line if there are any. Sometimes it simply be a speech delay. I’m not a speech pathologist, but I do work on speech goals sometimes when working on the other learning categories with kids ages 0-3. It’s also very common that a child will have a delay in only one category and not the others. The best thing to do is follow through with the doc’s recommendation and get the assessment, because if there is a speech delay, now is the time to start therapy to over come it.

@Lydia I thought so! I guess they're just being cautious, I'll see how he goes over the next couple months!

@Chella makes sense, thanks, lovely!

@Chella this is exactly what we went over today, and he hits every single one! just not saying any words, haha

Yeah see just looking at speech is too narrow to say delayed my son can't do like 99% of these things at 20 months which is why doctor referred him but since you say your son does all this he is perfectly great! Don't listen to those nurses lol

Are multiple languages being spoken with him? This can make things take a little longer and is considered normal.

Hello! My son is almost 3 with a speech delay. I was encouraged to see a speechie around 18months and ignored it thinking he’d catch up on his own. Really regret it now! It’ll only help, it gives him an hour of total focus on his speech a week so it can’t hurt. Really recommend getting onto it early ♥️

Teach him basic sign language!! My son doesnt verbally say anything besides mama. He is also 18 months everyone was worried but me and his dad and got a refferal to early intervention we had our qualification apt and bc he signs he passed with flying colors! As long as he is communicating either verbally or by sign language they said he was good and didnt need anything! That was last week ans by this week he knows 2 more signs!

We were similar but pediatrician wasn't really bothered until 2.5yo. We are in speech therapy now, just re-evauated for 3yo and considered a 25% delay. Honestly if they want him evaluated just do it, worst case is they start speech therapy early and your son catches up, best case is they evaluate and say "nope he's good, let's recheck in 6months"

Don't be worried, he'll be OK. Early intervention is key. My son was very vocal but only said 2 words by 15 months and was referred to speech therapy. He is now nearly 3 and is so good with his communication. Your feelings are valid, but speech delays aren't uncommon, and it doesn't necessarily mean that there is a bigger diagnosis. My son was diagnosed with a global developmental delay, and every day, he amazes me. I am so, so proud of him. I'm not worried. He is who he is, and I can only love and support him. A diagnosis doesn't change him. It helps me support him better. I urge you to reach out to speech pathology and get him on the wait lists. If he doesn't need it, then that's wonderful, but if he does, the support is there. You got this, Mumma 💗

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I know you're in a different country but I'm in the UK and called the Health Visitor this week about our 22 month old son's speech (he only says Mum, Dada and Nan). I mentioned that he does babble a lot and understands quite a lot of what we're saying to him, points to things when we ask him to (like to characters in a book or identifying certain colours, for instance) and doesn't seem to have any issues with his hearing. Due to this they weren't concerned and said he's still got his 2-2.5 year review coming up, and it's usually by 2.5 years that it's more of a concern. She also asked if he'd been focusing on developing more physical skills and I think that certainly is the case for our boy 😂 I'm sure it'll come in time, but there's definitely no harm in seeing a speech therapist to help along the way if you want to.

My son had a speech delay. I would do speech therapy as soon as possible.

Don’t be worried. If he’s understanding basic commands he is fine. Every bubba goes at their own pace. My boy is 2 and a half at Christmas and he says a few things but mostly his own chatter… I am not worried. My partners grandma said my partner wasn’t speaking a full sentence till 4. Show Bub how your mouth moves with words and sing loads, he is just doing his own thang x

When my son was 18 months he had 2 words and he didn’t even say daddy. He started speaking once he turned 2 and a half. He was just on his own timeline x

when i was pregnant my gp said don’t be shocked if boys are a bit slower to learning things as he seen i have a daughter xx

We started speech therapy at 19m. He loves it! He's 3 and still in speech therapy to help with his pronunciation.

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