All I had to take into theatre was a hat and a nappy. We didn't put their clothes on until we were out of recovery.
I took nothing! They gave her a hat, and she was just in a blanket until I was on the ward x
Amazing thanks! Did think that could be the case with skin to skin. Also do you leave all your belongings in their own private room?
We were just told to take a nappy into theatre as they gave a knitted hat and our bags were outside the theatre ready for us to take into the recovery afterwards. We got him fully dressed once we were on the ward x
Just a nappy! My baby was just swaddled in blankets and a nappy for pretty much the first 24 hours xx
I didn’t have to take anything in x
Just a nappy! They put a knitted hat on my LO
Depends on the weather. I had my baby way earlier than planned but he stayed in a shirt sleeve vest, and a full body suit.. and this was in the peak of summer! He also needed a hat for the whole time. He was born at 36 weeks and 4 days x
I took a vest, baby grow and hat xx