I get the rest of my potty training supplies on the 4th so we will start on the 5th
We are beginning on elimination communication and so far so good. She lets me know when she has to go potty by signing and saying popo. Sometimes we don't make it but it's fine, we are learning and I rather her have a neutral mental picture of the potty.
@Cora What’s elimination communication?
@Mariana I’ve never heard of elimination communication before. Does she wear underwear or a pull up? How long does it normally take?
@Mia it’s kind of hard to explain. Look at this video. https://youtu.be/ZgxCSXv4bpg
She does wear a pull up, I wish I knew before how it works, I would have loved to try it since she was born. Basically, you try to learn at first the principal hours of the day when they go potty, look for their physical signs and what I did was that as soon I saw signs she would go potty I said popo and the potty sign. Now, when she is about to go potty she does it and I can take her to her potty. Most of the times we do it on time, we've been doing it for about two weeks now and she caught up pretty quickly. From what I read, this help them learn their own body signs and it will take as long as they need, but it really decreases the amount of diapers. I chose this because my baby began getting really angry when her diaper was dirty, so I think she was ready. Of course it is different for every baby.
We’re going to start closer to 18m. She’s starting to show more signs of readiness so I want to give her a couple more months to develop skills.
We did elimination communication. Worked great. Had a few setbacks during growth spurts and such, but other than that it’s been great! He’s not afraid or apprehensive of the potty since he’s been using it since 6 weeks 🤣