My little one doesn't say much only says mama, dada, moo and sounds out a couple of words from the alphabet x
My boy literally can only sometimes say dada x
My little girl barely says anything, dada and mum but not in context . Try not to worry , every baby is different
My LB can say mum, dad, he will shout dog at dogs out on walks, and say moo to cows and he says “more” and “no” and “mmm” when he likes something 😂 x
My 1 year old only says mama rest is babble and noises.
My lo says mama, dada, nana, baba, mmmm and more ( when she sees food) woof woof (when she sees a dog), hello and bye bye (just not very clear)
My little boy only says mama and baba, the rest is just pure babble as well 🤭 x