Lots of walking or bouncing on a pregnancy ball. Oxytocin is the best way, some people get this from sex but if your drive isn’t there I doubt it would help anyway so just do stuff you enjoy? Also collecting colostrum is supposed to be inducing? So manually try to express, a warm bath or shower and massage the breasts and then try to collect it into a cup or syringe? Otherwise hopefully the sweeps will work for you! Good luck xx
Baby is measuring small, so they want him out around then. Especially with my medical history apparently. Consultant wasn't very happy when I said no to another section when I've already been given the ok for a natural. I'm seeing my midwife next week so I'm gonna mention it to her too and see what she says. I've heard inductions aren't very nice so I'd rather avoid it if possible. I've said I'm gonna let him do his own thing and if he needs a bit of a push or whatever then so be it but I absolutely refuse another section unless necessary. Hoping my waters go like they did with my first🥲 hmm funny that isn't it! I do feel they try medical intervention when it isn't necessary at all
You’re only 33 weeks.. who’s to say your baby doesn’t have a growth spurt and jump the centiles. Do you have further scans booked? I’d definitely suggest you do your own research and get second opinions. NHS leaflets and Royal College of Gynaecologists are great sources for this. Only you know what’s the best decision for you and your baby 🩷
@Becca I'm hoping this is the case, he's growing consistent but still below 10th centile 🥲 yeah having them every 2 weeks. It's just in case🤞🏻 thank you I'll look into those xx
@Chloe thank you lovely ill try these xx
I had Induction Acupunture and Massage done, I made Spicy Pineapple (Pineapple Chow), I had a hot Goat Soup and a hilly walk the night before my waters broke. I also walked and did Pregnancy Yoga right up to the end, and yes I did hobbies I really love and things I love for that oxytocin boost, also hung out with my mommy friends who'd recently have babies - which also products oxytocin
I ignored them asking for induction and waited for baby to break water naturally... they didn't break till 42 weeks. Laboured for 2 days..... baby born 42w 2d
If your baby urgently needed to be out they’d be booking you in tomorrow. What reason have they given for needing an induction? If you want an induction go for it but if you want to avoid it then I’d question whether it’s actually needed. I’ve been pushed by a lot of doctors for induction / elective c-section and funnily enough when I mention I’m a student midwife, they’re happy to let me go to whenever I need to…