@Lauren Searle thanks so much! Do you express every day and then just use it if and when you need? May just pump once a day to begin with - have a momcozy wearable pump and bags x
I express every day otherwise I’m scared it will dry up! So I tend to express 240ml then split into 120 and put them into two different bags as my little one is on 120ml a feed, so then I’ll freeze one and put one in fridge, then if I find it’s getting close to the four days I’ll freeze what’s left, it takes time out of your day for sure as I don’t have the wearable ones as I just don’t have the money for that I have the self pump. But it’s defiantly a weight of my shoulders and my nipples are no longer as sore xx
I have freezer bags, they can go in fridge for up to 4 days, in freezer for 6 months! I express every 4/5 hours ish all depending how hard my boobs go! My baby is 7 weeks, I get 300ml out of my boobs at a time, I have a freezer and fridge full of freezer bags🤣 I use mum cozy ones. From Amazon, helps to allow other people to feed your baby and you to get some time alone!