I have, and have made many trial and errors, I found it easiest if they have a way to communicate potty, my daughter now knows it in sign so she can tell me when she's ready to go, that made it easier
Not in the slightest 😅 I’m waiting for the list of “ready” signs to be checked off. We’re potty training our 2 and a half year old and it’s going pretty good. We take him once every 30 minutes and he goes pee consistently but it’s still hard for him to poop on the potty which is normal in this process.
I have and it’s going great for us. My daughter is to the point when she has to pee she will sit on the potty and go. Sometimes she doesn’t make it all the way there but she’s recognized when she has to go so that’s great 🥰🥰 We started 10/18 poop is a bit tricky but most of the time she also uses the potty
I have an 5 and 3 year old and never rushed potty training with them. They learned quicker when their level of communication was better and they were more independent but that’s just me. I’m not even thinking about starting that with a 16 month old baby. If this is your first baby, just know it’s not a race, that learn on their own time with encouragement. Some 3 year olds in my daughter’s nursery school still wear pull-ups and treat them like undies.
I haven't but I think mine is ready I just have no clue where to even start. 😅