I woke up with round ligament pain that went away pretty quickly, but that was it. Spent the rest of the day deep cleaning the house until my water broke in the evening
My waters broke at 4am but I couldn’t sleep or get comfy for hours before it, I just felt really weird!
I felt 100% normal and then suddenly felt like somone kicked me in the crotch(water broke) and immediately started having 10/10 contractions 😅
I woke up achey and super grumpy. Said “today better not be the effing day” as I went to work, went into labour in the office 😂 week 38. With hindsight, I had a bad tummy the day before, really bad backache (which I assumed was commuting on trains and the crappy office chairs) and didn’t want food.
I would say feeling gross but I had a change of attitude. It felt like the world was moving soooo slowww. And then that night I felt like I was going slow