They adviced you to do anything? @Becca
I was in slow labour for around 2-3 weeks. Even when my waters broke and was having contractions I didn’t dilate until 16 hours after and my contractions were every 2 minutes. Slow labour is awful
@tasha at first they told me to rest and relax as much as possible as it’s safest for baby to get to full term (39 weeks) and since then they’ve encouraged me to stay active and to do exercises and stretches to get her into the right place. Other than that, not much!
That was me and as soon as i got home about 20 min later my water broke
Yeah I’ve been 2-3cm dilated with tightenings since 36 weeks and nothings progressing. Every time they hook me up to the monitor it shows contractions but not much happening despite even having sweeps. I’m 41 weeks now!!