Is baby breastfed? Because breastfed babies can go 10 days without a poop and its normal and nothing to worry about! Its not considered constipation
Yes, when we started him on some formula recently he got a bit constipated. We do belly massage, bicycle leg exercises, kinda a knees to chest thing, and also tummy time. Do them multiple times a day and then consider putting the baby in a bouncer seat. That kinda upright position helps relieve our baby. The transition was hard cause when we were doing breast milk he was pooping at least once a day and then it lessened with formula
It can happen with formula unfortunately, maybe go to the doctors and ask for lactolose? That helped my baby
I like mylicon gas drops, but you can try pushing baby's legs into the tummy. Sometimes babies release gas in other ways like burping, they don't need to poop everyday
Lactulose, you can try the baby frida windi, tummy time, bicycle legs, bath, tummy massage. My first bf baby wouldn’t poop for 10+days from 0-4m without fail. My second bf pooped multiple times a day so 🤷🏻♀️ I also used to hold baby with back on my tummy and kinda bounce just a little with my hands under his knees tucked up to his tummy (if that makes any sense?) and he used to let out the loudest gas/poops 😂
Thank you so much for all the suggestions! Super helpful. My baby is combination fed, she goes breastmilk and formula. She has been on the same formula since birth
Glycerin suppositories are heaven sent! But don’t use everyday!
Hmm, what type of milk is she on?