Could be teething. Check her gums and you may be able to feel the teeth underneath. My LO is 7 months old also and I can feel the bottom and top teeth. She is also tugging when breastfeeding. Hope yours doesn't do that, it's painful.
@Tay mine bites me and she knows it😂 looks at me and smiles then does it again
@Eva I don’t know!! Her cheeks are literally burning but I don’t see any signs of top teeth ( she has bottom 2) Her gums aren’t swollen. It’s been 5th evening in a row when they go so red. Why only evening idk 😂 I’m so lost. I’m scared if it’s allergy then to what? Ugh. When everything has been the same for months
@anna so does mine 😂 that cheeky smile and then again.
@Tay 😂 idk how to make her stop! Sometimes I don’t expect it, it hurts so my reaction is to push her away. But I don’t wanna hurt or scare her. Idk how to correctly gesture to her to not do it
@Anna I usually remove her and tell her no you can't do that. If she does it again I put the boob away and tell her no. She seems to understand that sometimes as then when I offer it again she doesn't do it. Not always though.
If you think it could be a reaction remove all allergens for the day from her meals. See what happens.
@Tay I tried that but she keeps smiling and laughing. Feeds normally next time then does it again giving me the cheeky smile like hey mum, look what I’m doing 🤦🏼♀️😂 i laugh along when I shouldn’t but i can’t help it. Them eyes staring at you smiling… ugh 💞
@Tay is yours sleeping through the night yet? I’m exhausted… she wakes up 3 times ish looking for boob, feeds for a few min then back to sleep refuses dummy until I give her boob
@Anna not yet she wakes atleast once after I've gone to bed.
Mine too I was thinking it’s teething?