I’m experiencing this as well🥲 it makes me so anxious when feeding him at night when I put him back down as sometimes it’s such a delayed reaction and he’s sick like 20 minutes after😥
@Toya it’s terrifying isn’t it! Even when he’s sound asleep in his crib, I can’t sleep because I’m so on edge and anxious checking on him!
It's perfectly normal to bring up a little bit after being fed https://www.breastfeeding.asn.au/resources/bringing-up-milk#:~:text=This%20spilling%20of%20milk%20happens,posseting%20or%20bringing%20up%20milk.
Sitting up and pace feeding is a good idea. I used to burp my daughter after she drank an ounce so that she doesn’t guzzle down a whole bottle and then struggle to burp it up. That way she would then burp several times and would stop her from spitting up. BUT it’s all part of having a baby tbh, some are more sucky than others. My first daughter was SO sicky and colicy, whereas my 2 week old just isn’t at all!