If it’s just the milk you have changed and not your schedule then it’s probably that your son was taking less milk from you when he was BF. Your routine is same as mine except I feed my baby lunch before milk so no milk in between breakfast and lunch basically. I breastfeed so can’t provide any advice on the formula quantities though!
my daughters formula fed and our routine is usually 7/8am 8oz formula 9am breakfast 12pm 8oz formula around 1:30/2pm (depending when she wakes up from her nap is dinner) 5/5:30pm tea 6:30-7pm 8oz formula for bed I’ve always left around an hour after her bottle to give her food It changes depending on if i’m out and stuff. she’s not been so good with food lately as she’s been poorly.
My is formula fed & our routine is 8/8:30 - 5oz bottle (but never drinks it all) 9:30am - breakfast 11:30ish - bottle 1/1:30pm - lunch 4pm - bottle (sometimes has a snack instead) 5:30/6pm dinner 8pm - bottle & bed
@Adelle this is what we do as well
@CeeCee it’s finding what works for you isn’t it😊 what works for us may not work for others and visa versa x
Bottle 8oz 7am Breakfast 8.30 Lunch 11.30 ( down for nap 12-3) Bottle 8oz after nap around 3-4pm Dinner 5.30 Bottle 9oz 7pm But its whatever works for you ive exclusively pumped for 10 months with a mix of formula when needed xx
Thanks ladies! Maybe I will swap around lunch for solids first and milk later I just love the morning convenience of bottle first! 😂🙈
Could you maybe try swapping it round completely? Ours is; Breakfast 7:30am Bottle 7oz 10:15 (with nap) Lunch 12pm Bottle 7oz 2pm (with nap) Dinner 4:30pm Bedtime bottle 6:40pm They always demolish everything xx