I’d wait. Walking shoes don’t help them develop the muscles they need to walk like it was perviously thought, same with sit in walkers. Sometimes littles need time and that’s okay! You’re doing amazing ❤️. If there is a possible concern about maybe muscle tone issues or development reach out to the Pediatrician to maybe set up early PT but it sounds like little guy is just taking his time.
@Rebecca thank you so much I feel a whole lot better
@Jazzmyne thank you so much for the information that makes me feel better
@LittleMrsStevens Trust me I’ve been there! Like I said you’re doing amazing, the fact you’re concerned show so much love for him.
@Jazzmyne thank you 😊
The healthiest way for their feet to develop as they are learning to walk is bare feet. Bare feet as long as you can. We kept my lo in socks when she started walking at 11 months and didn’t start putting shoes on her until 2 months after that. Everything outdoors she wore socks
Honestly totally normal, just enjoy that he's still not tearing up the house lol cus when he starts walking, right after is runninnnnnng lol
@jes 🤣🤣🤣you are so right!!!
I think just wait. If you want to put him in shoes more often now that it is colder in a lot of places (Im not sure where you live) but don’t worry about timing. If he’s not walking by 15 months you can start to worry a bit. My daughter didn’t walk on her own until 18 months!!