No talking

My 19 month old says only 6 words but understands around 30 and babbles all day long. Would you seek advice from a professional?
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My 18 almost 19 month old can only say mama, dada and nana and that’s basically it. She sometimes says yes but that’s all and the rest is babbling but she knows a lot of hand gestures and she can point to about 10 parts of her body and understands everything I say. I’m not worried at all because she’s been ahead in everything else. If you are concerned I would speak to your health visitor! I contacted mine and she said she wouldn’t worry much until the 2/2.5 year check!

Mine is very similar. She can say a handful of words but speaks gibberish all day. I’m not too worried as she can understand us for simple commands eg put it in the bin, or bring me a book etc

My daughter has just turned 18 months, she doesn’t even say “mummy, daddy, nana”!😭 she does say a few words “ball, shoes, duck, walk, bow for rainbow, hat” some others but I just wish she’d say mummy now!! She doesn’t stop talking toddler gibberish though! Xx

My 18 month old only says 6 words and not very often I’m not worried but speech and language have referred her to talking tots for extra support

@Taylor my son doesn’t say mummy or daddy either and I really want him to!!! He babbles all day long and can say mamamama and dadadada as babbling so he can make the sounds just not the words!

@Daria my son only says a couple of words and I spoke to nursery and they said as long as he understands what you say and can follow instructions and babbles then they aren’t concerned until he’s around 2 and then they will assess him but for now some kids just take a little longer

@Marie Same! My son even says mama or Dada but he doesn't mean us when he says it, he just babbles like this and actually goes for really complicated sillibles like akrabuttt! Hab! Lalalat abhaaaa!

@Marie I see! Good to know. Yesterday he was watching Mrs Rachel and she said: "Uh-ohhh!" And he said it exactly like that. At this point, I feel like if he wanted to he could, he just refuses to say the words he doesn't find interesting 😭

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