I didn’t end up needing an ECV but I will say with my second she took her time to turn round She was transverse until the 11th hour - I think she only got into position at 37 weeks
I’m 36 weeks pregnant too and my ECV is booked for next Monday. They won’t do it till I pass the 37 weeks mark. I’ve checked the spinning babies website, and I’m also doing acupuncture once a week with Moxibustion (Moxa). Since the first session baby girl has been moving more but still in Frank breech. I won’t schedule c-section because I’ve heard stories of babies turning in the last few hours before delivery.
Mine turned at week 37 with a ECV booked that visit. I also did spinning babies moves as suggested on the website. Stay positive xx
I turned 36 weeks on Monday and the same day diagnosed with a breech Bub. Not sure if you’re in Melbourne? But I went to see Gabrille at G.Lorri Labour and Body work. She released tension in my ribs and hips that evening. The next day I went for my check up with my OB and she had turned! Gabrielle is amazing. You need to contact her if you’re local.
My baby was breech and I started doing forward leaning inversions among other exercises from the Spinning Babies website multiple times a day. I spent a lot of time doing exercises on a fit ball to help create space in my pelvis. It's definitely worth a look and doing any exercises you are comfortable with as often as you can. I found out yesterday that my baby has flipped head down.
Are you already doing spinning babies? If not I’d start full on