We’ve been “trying” since she was about 24mos, so it’s not like we missed the bus or started too late. We got the little potty and put it in the bathroom next to the regular toilet right before she turned 2, so that she could get used to it. She would sit on it (fully clothed), but whenever she tried to get her to sit with her pants down she would cry and carry on. She’s a really difficult child. Super dramatic. She’ll cry and scream and act like we’re torturing her until we let her get off the potty. 🥵 Totally unlike my son who seems to be more standard/average child. Thanks for the book recommendation though! I’m gonna look it up!
Best of luck! You’ve done it once before, sounds like very different personalities between kids, but you can do it again! I hope the book helps :)
“Oh crap! Potty training” by Jamie Glowacki was recommended to me and I loved it. She has a recommended time frame that the middle age falls at 24 months but regardless your daughter is her age and you can’t go back. The author mentions much older children struggling so you aren’t too late either, so don’t give up! She is resisting but don’t let her go back to diapers. We did big boy undies even for night time. We didn’t have as much resistance initially but there are times now he doesn’t want to “try” but we just don’t allow him not to. Keep up the good fight. She will adjust soon enough when getting wet/messy becomes a bigger issue for her. Right now the potty is inconvenient, but the accidents will become more inconvenient if you stick with it.