My daughter says mumma, dada, bubba, nana, hi lily (dog), and imitates some other words but very few. I do everything to help her speech but nothing xx
My little lady switches between jargon, echolalia and words she knows. It's can be really confusing at time. Has your child had their two year development check yet?
My son doesn’t say anything. He SOMETIMES babbles mama baba or yaya but it’s not consistent. However, we are waiting for a paediatrician appointment as they suspect he has autism.
The criteria for a referral for speech and language therapy is under 50 words at 2 years old. I think the norm (at 2 years) is around 200/300 words and putting 2 words together.
My little girl wasn’t saying much we took the dummy away and the last 2 weeks she has new words everyday, I would suggest taking away dummy if he has one, also I found playgroup v.good as they interact with other children of a similar age and Miss Rachel is very good to help with speaking x
@Gilly no, no words just gibberish. I have but she isn’t worried but I thought if they turn 2 and they aren’t say any words, he should be referred to see a speech and language therapist x
@emzie not yet but we go to toddler classes at the HV centre and they aren’t worried
@Mama A I’m thinking my son might be autistic. I’m probably going to speak to the HV again and see what she says
@Catherine he never had a dummy because he hated it. He watched me Rachel a lot but still nothing. He goes to groups every week but only wants to play on his own
Mine also says gibberish so he’s been referred to speech and therapy! If you can, you should get a referral as soon as, the waiting list is long!!
@Kirst my health visitor in my area said they don’t refer until they’re 2.5 😤
If the HV has dismissed you and you’re still concerned, I’d book in with the GP. It doesn’t mean there’s anything wrong, in a few weeks he could be at a completely different stage and saying lots of words. Mine was saying the odd word and then started stringing together sentences literally overnight, honestly it all happens at different stages for them. I remember I was so worried about everything with my first. Always comparing to others 🙈
@Mama A that’s annoying! I went to my health care centre when he was 20 months and they referred him straightaway after doing the assessment as he didn’t hit any of the speech points!
When you say gibberish, is it him trying to say words but is pronouncing them badly? If so, I think that’s totally normal. If it’s no words at all, I’d have suggested speaking to the HV but they’re not always very helpful 🫣. X