I am. I tend to pump after each feed in the day and at around the 3 am feed overnight. I do 5-10 mins on the initiation stimulation setting and 30 mins expressing. Skin to skin will massively help with your supply. The other thing to look into is power pumping. Best thing I bought was a wearable pump. We’ve spend most of our first 10 days at the hospital for one reason or another and probably would’ve lost my supply without it
I pump every 3-4 hours, and I put baby on breast probably 3-4 times a day.
It’s not realistic to pump all the time! Just do what you can. I find the more I relax and not overthink it, my supply Is better. I try to pump twice a day max. I find my supply is best about 9am and then about 3pm. I never pump in the night as it’s impossible and you need to rest! It doesn’t matter if you have to offer formula, I do a mix of BF, expressed and formula x
I used to pump every 2-3 hours and give my baby that expressed milk in a bottle, followed by a top up bottle of formula if my breast milk was low xx