Before bedtime
We started with the morning one so that I could sleep longer! But now we are doing two bottles of formula per day morning and evening. I won't lie it's so nice to have some more freedom and my baby loves it. Actually recently he is just not focusing for breastfeeding and it's a battle everytime we are out !
Thanks @Leanne @Elena @Helene this is so helpful! Did any of you experience pain/lumpy boobs once you introduced it? Im suffering this evening with my right boob 😩
I exclusively pumped so it didn’t really affect me in the same way, sorry I can’t help x
@Helene I exclusively pumped. It’s probably because your supply is used to the night time feed. If you pumped it would relieve it or give it a few days for your supply to readjust x
I personally found it easier to give the bed time bottle. Meant Dad could help out with bed time more and it just seemed to keep her full a little longer.