@Sarah oh wow love hearing positive story like this! Thank you 💕
I just had a scheduled c-section 24 hours ago. I had to fast the night before we came in a couple hours ahead of appointment and got admitted just paperwork, and iv than we waited in our room until the surgical theater was available i went in and they prepped after they were ready my support person was allowed in after my procedure was we went to recovery then back to our room. This was my 2nd c-section, so I found staff a lot more relaxed with your first they want to make sure you know what you're doing. Give yourself time, but within 24 hours, they want you to get up and go pee at least try to do a bit of walking it gets everything working and back to normal it sucks being constipated after a csection
Good luck I've had 2 elective c sections. One at 37+6 weeks and one at 38 weeks. My first one I had skin on skin while in surgery. For my second I said to had my baby to my partner due to me having an reaction to the spinal and epidural and wasn't well (I was almost out under general anesthetic due to not responding well and close to passing out and seeming like I was ignoring everyone). I was listened to both times during and afterwards. Painkillers was given whenever I asked if I could. When the catheter is out, wait and try filling your bladder as much as you possibly can. Unsure where you are but in the UK you need to be able to fill a certain amount before they're willing to keep the catheter out
Had mine almost 8 months ago, on my request. Fast from midnight, went there at 8am, at 10.03 baby was born. Mine was 3h long as I removed an ovarian cyst as well, spinal was the trickier part as I couldn't bend so much and they kept hitting the nerve so it took 30 minutes for that only but at the end they managed to get that in and they started right after that and I didn't even notice. My husband never left my side since we arrived at the hospital, from preparation room onwards never left me. I had a beautiful experience overall, baby was out fast and I kept her in my chest the whole time since she was out. I would do it over again without thinking twice.
I opted for a c section. Was told a time to arrive at my hospital, and not eat after a certain time. When I arrived I was told I was third on the list, but could be bumped for an emergency. There were none. A couple of hours later I walked to the theater with a midwife, had my spinal, was numb and on the bed. I didn't feel anything, not even any tugging. I even found it so peaceful I drifted off to sleep 🤣. They handed me my baby that came out screaming (woke me up), to my chest after the checks and my FH had cut the cord. Think it all took about 40 minutes from entering to leaving theater. Very easy. Study the videos on how to get out of bed after a c section, they'll help you. 24 hours later I was up and about. The only problem I had was bursting my stitches a few weeks later, when I went running getting caught in the flash flooding! So all my fault. Don't go running after surgery. Actually listen when they say to rest, even if you think you feel fine, you're definitely not ok to exercise straight away.
@Natalie omg that’s hilarious 😂
I had one at 37.4 weeks. Fasted from 11 pm the night before, no water. Arrived at 5 am, prep in room and paperwork. Went to OR at 7, got the spinal, immediately numb and they laid me on the table. I had a lovely and friendly team who explained everything to me. I had a slight panic attack on the table, but honestly it was just nerves. One of the staff had my husbands phone, took tons of pictures, we played our choice of music. Baby was out at 7:29, after they wiped her and weighed her, they laid her on my chest until I was stitched up. We went to the recovery room for about 2 hours while we bonded as a new family and they monitored my vitals. Then went to a postpartum room for the next 48 Hours. The first day was a little blurry due to the drugs, but they helped me get up and moving and that helped. Recovery wasn’t nearly as bad as I had imagined. Pain for the first few days but it eased up pretty quickly after that!
Hi there! You’re not alone 🥰 Our baby girl arrives at 37 1/2 weeks and was delivered via a planned c-section. My blood pressure was high, the amniotic fluid was high and baby was sideways. It was explained that with the high amniotic fluid, the buoyancy would’ve kept baby from heading down into my pelvic area where she needed to be. Everything had gone incredibly well! In and out within an hour and baby came out within 10-15 mins. Had a wonderful OB in charge and a great hands-on team supporting the surgery and etc. They kept me calm and topped up on meds. You’ll be awake, but you won’t be able to feel anything. It will feel like someone’s just tugging at you. My recovery had gone very well too. So, we were very blessed that all had gone safely and smoothly. Baby girl just had to stay in the NICU for 1 day, as she was stunned from being removed and coming out. She also had all that fluid in her, so they were just being extra cautious in watching her after her birth. Good luck!