What would you do?

My parents-in-law have always made subtle digs about how big the portions of food I serve up are when they ever come over for dinner.Over the years (8 years) it has increasingly made me anxious/nervous about having them over and going to theirs because the topic of diet and weight always seems to be discussed by them at some point (not my weight or diet but theirs),if an obese person comes on the telly they'll make a judgmental comment and once or twice his Dad has said things to me like "you're the only one still eating" (at the dinner table) or when they found out we were expecting he said "I thought you looked like you'd put on weight".It just makes me uncomfortable because I've put on so much weight since giving birth,although I've never been super slim even before.My Husband always gets defensive when I bring it up so I feel a bit alone with it although he has said he can tell them to not comment on my weight/diet but I don't want it to be made out like I have the issue when I feel like people just shouldn't comment on other people's weight,etc.At the moment I'm just avoiding being in their company as much as possible which isn't hard as we've moved city last year but they're going to visit for Christmas.What would you do if you were in my situation?Thanks ❤️
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Your husband is probably defensive cos he knows it’s not acceptable from them. I would ask my husband to have a word with them if it was me. They need to know it’s not acceptable and it’s probably best coming from your husband. But if you don’t want him to say anything all you can do is just ride it out and hope they don’t say anything.

You could try and get him to broach it in terms of the baby? Like you dont want the baby to hear negative comments or discussion about food or weight as you know how detrimental it can be? People are so obsessed I hate this x

People shouldn't comment on other people's bodies but they do!! If that were me I would directly ask them not to comment on me (if they said something about my body) and explain that it made me feel uncomfortable. That way it doesn't get your husband involved and you are still polite in asking them to not do something.

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