@Deb Sadly the office is already involved as this isn’t the first thing that’s not been correctly like other children would have done and they complained about me as I’ve been putting “pressure” on them which I haven’t. I’m a very chill and leant parent compared to a lot of the parents that we deal with. But they’ve not been putting cream on every nappy change like she needs as she gets very sore. She’s on Neocate and I’ve asked them not to make it with hot water as it’s supposed to be made with cool boiled water and I’ve seen them make it with hot water. She comes home absolutely filthy while no other child is sent home soaked or filthy. Not getting a hand over other parents do. I think this week was just the cherry on the top I guess. I just want to be treated like a parent as soon as I drop her off or get off the clock x
Oh this does sound like they are slacking as your a staff member, you've every right to complain. As they have done a list of things I'd of got the office involved by this point as well. I'd request a sit down as a parent with the key worker and your list of issues as you are entitled to it as much as the next parent. Maybe a informal chat might help clear things up, regarding the neocate do you send the tub in as I'll be in the same boat as my daughter is on the same? Who also suffers with constipation since being on neocate. I'd definitely be pushing the nappy cream as well as that's neglect on their side the same as coming home in wet and dirty clothing. Maybe a whistle blow to the next above the manager will be needed if this doesn't get resolved x
@Deb I did yes. I took it in to show them that it was her milk and how to prepare it. Once that tin finished I just started bringing in formula in little pots as my baby doesn’t drink much milk at nursery so I didn’t see your point in bringing in a tin that would’ve gone to waste. Yeah I’m just wanting to have a chat with my boss but I don’t know how to approach it or what to say without coming across as rude x
So I worked at a nursery for 14 years, when I went back after maternity I took my 1st daughter with me, she was in baby room and my best friend and her godmother was her keyworker and she was absolutely fine, when she moved to the toddler room 2 staff members who didn't like me mistreated her and I wasn't told until months later by her keyworker, even after me constantly asking why she was unsettled, I went straight to management and removed her with immediate effect, I worked the rest of my maternity as was expecting my dec baby 6 weeks later and didn't return, I would personally put your parent head on (not that you arent) and follow all the correct lines for complaint and then if it impacts you at work I would speak to acas and see where you stand x
@Charlotte I’ll be definitely speaking to my boss about what has happened this week as I am very upset and disappointed with what’s gone on but I just don’t know how to approach it and word it to her. It also annoyed me the fact that they complained about me to my boss and said I was putting pressure on them when I would look through the window just to see how she’s getting on, especially as I don’t get a proper handover at the end of the day. All I’m ever told is that she’s been fine and that’s it whilst I’ve heard myself the handovers they do with other parents/carers at the end of the day. If anything I’m a very chill and leant parent. I’ve let a lot of the things like coming home in dirty clothes/wet bibs. Not having handovers at the end of the day and not being treated like a parent slide under the carpet but the fact that this week she came home with a dirty and sore bum (she’s still really sore now) and a sore finger that you can clearly see was jammed in something as it
Was red and swollen with a cut on it and not to be informed of it because they didn’t see it happen and because she didn’t cry which I find hard to believe as she wouldn’t let me touch it without crying is honestly appalling and lazy in my opinion x
It's a tough one, really is. Just say I understand children have accidents, but no one told me just because she didn't cry. You'd appreciate her being in clean clothes when coming home as everyone else's children are. Also you want to double check how people are making her bottles as you think you saw someone use boiling water which is the incorrect way as it does more harm to the formula which is why it's supposed to be room temperature water. You could mention that you wanted to check that they had enough cream still as she's been coming home sore. Honestly, I don't know these girls, so it's probably best for you to work out how to say it. X
I would write down all of your concerns before having a meeting with her and then say to her when you go into a meeting I am asking for this meeting as a parent and only a parent so I would like you to treat me like a parent and go from there, honestly it's so hard being a parent and staff, I remember when my lo was bit and I know as a staff member a parent isn't to be informed what child did it but as a parent I was like well who bloody bit my child! X
Ooh this is tricky, I am going back soon and my daughter will be at the same setting. I'd talk to the girls in the room and just say even if she doesn't cry or have a mark just let me know so this doesn't happen again. I appreciate she didn't get upset at nursery but by the time she got home it was very sore. If you want a form done just ask if they can do one when your next in. I wouldn't involve the office unless the girls in the room aren't understanding and helpful. I'd also explain I'm not trying to be difficult just would rather know than be left wondering. X