This was mine until a month ago! I tried everything. I finally just offered another solution to squatting and pooping in the nappy - suggested he go outside and squat over a nappy. He did it easily. Then the next day we put the potty outside. He tried for ages but couldn’t go. Tried again later in the day after lots of prunes and finally, poo in potty. I was trying to think back to basics of potty training where some methods suggest a no nappy approach and laxative type foods to help. I guess it is hard to poo in a different position than you are used to.
@Jo we’ve tried all sorts of distractions to get him to go
@Stephanie Yh trying to get him to take laxatives foods is hard cos they tend to be the not nice ones lol he won’t eat prunes
I’m going through the same thing- she loves standing in the corner in her pants or nappy and I don’t know when this is ending!! Following this post for any helpful tips! X
Get him to blow some bubbles when trying to go