If you aren't sure, ring the hospital. From what I remember, mine looked like long sticky string of mucus when I wiped and had a little lump of clear pink jelly that was a bit springy-er the texture of hair gel in the underwear. Hope that helps. X
It’s okay I’ve been losing plug for weeks but also after sex especially the day after so I think it’s related! It regrows back as long as there’s no blood or contractions it’s all good x
I had this went and had a cervix check it was fine no mucus plug! And no infection was all normal!
I had lots of mucus discharge from 6 weeks until 18 weeks, scared me every time but was just the glamorous pregnancy 😂 but mucus plugs can loose a little & grow more. The fact you’ve had see yesterday I would say it’s more likely something to do with that x
I think you can lose some of your mucus plug and it regenerates. When I had my first I thought I’d lost it a week or so before my due date, was about the size of half my thumb, then I lost it when I was in labour and got out the bath and I was like ‘THATS a mucus plug 😳😅’ was about the size of my middle finger to the middle of my palm! If in doubt get checked out but I’d say so long as no blood/yellow green colouration and you’re not experiencing any pains or anything then you’ll be ok xx
I'd say go get it checked out. I lost bits of my plug from 27 weeks and ended up having my daughter early. I always think better safe than sorry and even a chat with triage over the phone will make you feel better.
Being honestly, it’s probably from having sex. I find when we have sex I get really thick jelly like ‘discharge’ but it’s just from having sex. It is possible to lose some of your mucus plug at this stage though. With my daughter I started losing bits around the 20 week mark and panicked I was going into labour but it was fine. Your mucus plug regenerates so if you lose some it’ll be replaced. As long as you don’t have a ‘bloody show’ which is just mucus plug with blood then it’s nothing to be concerned about x