@Samantha thanks I've tried to say no and stop feeding and gentle I think she knows what she's doing because I just took her to bed and she would feed for maybe a minute then started biting would instantly look at me to say I've done something and start to get upset before I've actually said anything to her I'm hoping it doesn't last long
Mine is doing this too! It hurts so bad 😭
@Charlotte that's great that she's starting to know she's not supposed to do it, just keep going and it'll properly sink in.
With my 3 babies I have always let out a quick shout “ouch !” Because it’s genuinely hurts me and my response is sincere and I look them in the eye with a straight face and say “no” “biting hurts mommy” and with the 3 of them it’s not been an issue . It happens a few times maybe 2 to 3 or so around a certain time and as they acquire more experience with sucking with their teeth is stops entirely really. That has been my personal experience with long term nursing all 3 on demand day and night . I’m currently nursing my 18 month old twins at this time. And nursed my 3 year old until he was 2. I will stop the feed if biting continues but that’s really not a reoccurring thing. They really do eventually get that, that’s not what they need to be doing with mommy’s nipple 🫠
Similar to what Samantha said, I would say “oww!”, take mine off the breast, put the breast away and put them down saying “that hurt mummy”. About a minute later I would pick them back up and tell them “gently” or “mo biting” and put them back on the breast. I haven’t been bitten too many times
I’d make it clear that it hurt “owie, that hurt” and then if more feeding needs to happen I take a break, AND switch sides when we go back to it. Switching sides really helps, gets the point across that the other side still hurts
@Kayla it does one nimple feels swallen
@Donna thankyou yes it doesn't help that she went from 0 to 3 teeth in a month so having teeth is all new to her hopefully it will stop soon she seemed to not bite last night during feeds but only on 1 boob when I would offer her the other one it was sore to let her feed on and she would try to bite after a minute into it so I'm hoping it won't last long I'm planning to breastfeed for another 6m before starting to wean
@Kyrie thankyou
@Charlotte good for you! and I’m sure she’ll get the hang of it. You’re doing a wonderful job 💕💕
Take her off and put her down as soon as she bites or just before she finishes if it's at the end and say no biting in a neutral voice and then look away, my little one immediately started crying so I picked her up straight away said gentle and put her back on. We had this it lasted about a week but she soon figured out she shouldn't be doing it