I used plasters and said it was poorly, to stop day time feeding. I still breastfeed at night but he feeds twice for like 10-15 mins each and then he’s up for the day and that’s helped for me
Perhaps slide in some extra milk drinks either from a bottle or sippy cup, depending on what bubs can handle? Maybe a special cup that you can really make a fuss about?
Cold turkey, milk in sippy cups, if he grabbed my shirt or tried for boob it was a nope not happening - then I’d try snacks, water, other distractions. This is what worked for my serial boobaholic 💙 it’s hard but don’t give in.
This has been a tough morning 😩 but need to stay strong, lots and lots of tears but trying to stay strong
Incognito you are a strong mama! You can do this. Baby will be alright, just stick to it. I promise after the first day or so it gets easier! Im here if you need to vent or chat xx
Distraction is key. Don't sit or lie in an position which can trigger them to ask for a feed. Instead give them a snack or treat. For me, a little screen time also acted as a good distraction to get the edge off. It should get better after the first week. Just prepare yourself for the worst. I found that's it's more about the mother's determination and readiness than the toddler being ready.