What a calm demeanor (with a sympathetic mommy look his direction) looks like. I will model breathing, and every now and again say something to the effect of, “I see you’re frustrated because x y or z. That’s a hard thing to experience huh? Come sit with mommy?” Sometimes he will, and he’ll come in for a whole hug, sometimes he’ll just sit there, but stare at me until his whole thing is over. And then get up like nothing happened. But the point is, he was watching how I reacted to his outburst/s, and watching how I was handling myself. Idk if it’s truly working, but sometimes it seems to be, others, he just stares whilst mid outburst, and I tell ya, it reaaaaaalllly sometimes gets under my skin but outwardly I really try to model what I want to see in him. Which is “I am calm. I am okay. This stinks, but I am okay. (And when he gets older: “And if I need to, I can talk about this.”). I truly hope this helps a bit😅 Again, doesn’t work every time, but, enough?😅🩷 That’s just me though:)
We went through this. I have a few pics of him a couple months ago where he had like 3 giant bruises on his forehead. He eventually figured out it didn’t feel good and has mostly stopped. Hopefully it passes soon for you too!
Oh sweet mama- I am right there with ya! I even asked my pediatrician cause mine will also get bruises. She said it can be a developmental thing, a way to self soothe(an awe fully painful one for a mama’s heart to see, but a way nonetheless:/) if he’s having bigger emotions he’s having trouble figuring out how to release them, an attention getter when he feels his needs or something aren’t/isnt being met(toddlers can be so funny/weird though- they have all these big emotions they’re experiencing all the time and they’re figuring out what they are, and how to appropriately feel and deal with them..for example, my boy will legit ask(read: point to and sign) for his water. I will give him his water. He will immediately meltdown and ever so dramatically go down and knock his head on the ground.), it’s not always a rational thing though… But what I’ve found sorrrrt of helps.. I will get down on his level (not always, but if I have the time to do this..) sit there with him. And just model