My son did almost same a month ago . He wasn’t eating anything other than plain rice bowl and breast milk . It got better in 2-3 weeks . He lost some weight too , but getting better now . Try to keep her hydrated , offer water and juice in every 30 mins . He was drinking water a lot . He was teething too . So may be all together for the baby .
We went through this September/October time - definitely a phase! It's exhausting but try your best to stick to her routine for everything 👌
I’m sure it’s just a phase. They’re still going through developmental stages which means they have stints if funny eating/behaviours and sleep. Or is she teething? Might have back teeth coming through? Xx
@Claire deffo teething but she would usually eat wee bits here and there, fingers crossed it's just a phase x
@Priyanka yes think it's a mix of everything. Poor girl!
@Ellie aw I hope you are both okay, it's tough
Mine went through the no eating phase , Just keep offering normal meals and then give something they'll eat after the normal meals been offered. That seemed to work for me . The tantrums however idk girl I'm going through it too
My daughter’s 2 on the 15th of December and she’s being like this to a T.
@Tayla-paige my daughter is also 15th December, must be something in the air!
We are going through the same thing with the eating and has been going on for 3 weeks . Also went to the gp and she said there is nothing wrong with her . I also think she teething. We went before the same thing when she was about 10 months so it could just be related to teething. Xx
Literally my daughter doing the same! Even waking for milk in the night which she hasn’t done in a year!! Xx
@Katrina yes!! It’s been a struggle 😂
I could’ve written this. She has been refusing to nap at nursery, and here (but after 5-10 mins of crying she gives up and goes to sleep), and has been waking up between 12/1 and staying up until 3ish… being extremely clingy, kicking off at any minor inconvenience and is soooo clingy. I PRAY it is just a short phase, she’s testing me🥲
My little girl is doing this too! X