My daughters had headaches since 3 and a half. She’s now 5 and she has two types of headaches. One which is a migraine and she’s often sick but once falls asleep she’ll wake up and it’s gone, the second the doctor said is a typical childhood headache. I’d run your toddler by the opticians (as it could be to do with straining their eyes) and also the doctors
My son was at home with a suspected bug. When I was getting him ready for bed , he pointed to his head. He hadn’t fallen or banged his head (as I had been with him all day). I asked him is your head sore and he said “yes , head sore”. Once I gave him paracetamol he went to bed and he never mentioned it again. Also, this was the first time he had ever done this. So I assumed it was a headache. There was another time, he was continually blinking both eyes for 3-5 days , when I turned off the lights and tv and it stopped. I was concerned it was serious and spoke to the GP they said it could be a headache or eye problem. But after a week it stopped. Took him opticians and everything was normal. I assumed this was a headache. If you’re concerned deffo seek professional advice, it’s always reassuring.
How do you know about the headache? I remember one friend said to me- my daughter has stomach pain. I was like - how do you know? Mum knows she said. I do remember she use to say things so different to my instincts feelings. She used to worry care for things i dont get and me the oppsite of her. But feeling pain- headache!? Im now curious too