Getting induced at 37 weeks
Im 36 weeks and Saturday I'll be 37 weeks. I went to a high risk doctor today and he said I should be induced next week because my liver enzymes levels are dangerously high, it's not dangerous for me but can be dangerous for Baby boy. I have icp and I feel like my body has failed.
Your body has done an amazing job keeping you and baby alive. That’s incredible. Now it just needs a little help. It hasn’t failed, it just needs some extra tlc and that’s totally ok. We can be disappointed that things didn’t go how we imagined. And we can also be extra appreciative that modern medicine allows bodies that need extra assistance to birth children. You trusting your medical team and getting your body what it needs is not failing. It’s exactly what you are supposed to do. -from another medically complex, 37 week induced mom ❤️