My Toddler is to active and doesn't listen to me

My toddler has been fighting naps everyday it takes me 1 hour and 30 mins to get him to nap, and he keeps jumping out of his bed. He also doesn't listen to me this makes stress and have anxiety. Is this normal and when did your toddler stop napping ?
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Following! My toddler has been fighting naps too but once she’s out, she’s out 😂 She’ll keep telling me she’s not tired but she clearly is.

@Rhiannon His only 2 years and 2 months he jumps out, and throws all his toys and everything onto the floor, so I emptied the room but I have now ran out of options I don't know what to do and it's stressing me out does she do the same ?

My girl is the same age, however we co-sleep. So I’ll lay with her until she goes to sleep and then I get up. I’ve started dragging out her nap time though and that’s started to help. Do you have the same nap time each day?

@Rhiannon I usually do, but now I have tried to drag it out 2 hours later, and he still won't sleep . I have also attempted to co sleep, and it didn't work. He kept getting up and trying to jump out of bed, so now I stand outside the room and let him know I m outside .

my daughter stopped napping when she was 2 and couple of monts :)

How’s his sleep during the night? Whats his betime usually? Does he kick up a stink if you keep putting him back to bed or he’s just excited and wants to play?

@Rhiannon he sleeps between 730 pm. and 8 pm. He usually goes to his room, and I put him in his bed, and his sound asleep its just the midday nap which is a issue.

@Vaida I'm glad that it's seems like it's normal and I shouldn't stress about it

Have you tried waking him up earlier in the morning? I know that usually affects my daughter. Have you gone a day without a nap? Maybe he’s ready for no naps 😭

@Rhiannon he wakes up at approx 6 am when he doesn't nap, he rough plays and starts to muk up . I'll try my best tomorrow if not I'll just skip the naps his just very active and wants to play

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